Using Kendo UI (Grid) in Visual Studio LightSwitch


A little exited about my first ever blog, so pardon me for any mistakes. I am not an expert in Visual Studio LightSwitch but I found it as one of the best tools available for RAD. It took me a little while to figure out how to integrate the Kendo grid with all its feature like server side filtering, paging, grouping etc. in LightSwitch. I am using a Web API method which uses a stored procedure to return a list of workers. At the moment I am using the grid only for browsing & not for any editing.

Assuming that you already know how to use Web API in LightSwitch (if not you can follow this link:, my main focus is to provide the code for the Get method of Web API & client side Javascript to use Kendo UI Grid.

Web API class:

Imports System.Net
Imports System.Web.Http

Imports System.Collections
Imports Microsoft.LightSwitch
Imports LightSwitchApplication

Imports System.Web.Http.ModelBinding
Imports System.Web.Http.OData
Imports System.Web.Http.OData.Query
Imports System.Web.Http.OData.Routing

Imports System.Data
Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Imports System.Configuration

'Add a reference of System.Data.DatasetExtentions to the project to use AsEnumerable() for a DataTable

'EnableQuery statement will enable the query to accept
'OData query parameters ie. inlinecount, top, orderby etc.
Public Class WorkersController
Inherits ApiController

' GET api/
''' Accepts a UserID and returns a list of workers created by the user

Public Function GetValue(id As Integer) As Object
Using context As ServerApplicationContext = ServerApplicationContext.CreateContext()

Using conn As New SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings(

Dim cmd As New SqlCommand()
cmd.Connection = conn
cmd.CommandText = "uspGetWorkersByUser"
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
cmd.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@intUserID", id))

Dim da As SqlDataAdapter = New SqlDataAdapter
da.SelectCommand = cmd
Dim ds As DataSet = New DataSet
Dim workers As DataTable = ds.Tables(0)

'Use ? for nullable values
Dim query = From w In workers.AsEnumerable() _
Select New With _
{ _
.WokerID = w.Field(Of Integer)("WorkerID"), _
.FirstName = w.Field(Of String)("FirstName"), _
.LastName = w.Field(Of String)("LastName"), _
.BirthDate = w.Field(Of Date?)("BirthDate"), _
.UserID = w.Field(Of Integer)("UserID"), _
.UserName = w.Field(Of String)("UserName") _

Return query
End Using
End Using
Catch ex As Exception
Throw ex
End Try
End Function

End Class

You will have to include the necessary CSS & JS files from Kendo UI to default.htm (You can check this link: and go to “Add Kendo UI Controls” to see how to add these references.)


Once the references are added just create a custom control on a screen and use below code in its render event.

Render event of a custom control:

myapp.WorkersBrowse.grdWorkers_render = function (element, contentItem) {

var gridContainer = $('
<div id="grdWorkers"></div>


var dataSource = new{

type: "odata",

transport: {

read: {

//A URL can only be modified if it is within a function

url: function (options) {

if (contentItem.screen.UserID != undefined) {

return "../api/Workers/" + contentItem.screen.UserID;



dataType: "json",

success: function (result) {



error: function (result) {





schema: {

model: {

fields: {

WorkerID: { type: "number" },

FirstName: { type: "string" },

LastName: { type: "string" },

BirthDate: { type: "date" },

UserID: { type: "number" },

UserName: { type: "string" }



data: function (data) {

return data;


total: function (data) {

if (data != undefined) {

if (data.length > 0) { return data[0].Total; }

return data.length;




batch: true,

pageSize: 10,

//Enable server side operations

serverPaging: true,

serverFiltering: true,

serverSorting: true



dataSource: dataSource,

groupable: true,

scrollable: true,

pageable: true,

filterable: true,

sortable: true,

resizable: true,

selectable: true,

groupable: true,

reorderable: true,

change: function (e) {

//Get the WorkerID of selcted row

var selectedRow =;

contentItem.screen.WorkerID = this.dataItem(selectedRow).WorkerID;


//minScreenWidth property is introduced in Kendo UI 2015 Q1 version.

//It makes the column autohide if the container's width is less than

//the specified width, so the grid doesn't look messy on small devices.

columns: [{

field: "FirstName",

title: "First Name"

}, {

field: "LastName",

title: "Last Name",

minScreenWidth: 600

}, {

field: "BirthDate",

title: "Birth Date",

minScreenWidth: 600

}, {

field: "UserName",

title: "Created By",

minScreenWidth: 800




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